A Volunteer Manager's role is to work with their organisation to create a safe, warm welcoming and inclusive environment and to ensure that any regulatory and compliance requirements are met. Volunteer Managers have the opportunity to connect volunteers with meaningful roles that help your organisation deliver crucial programs and services to those in need. We have created an overview of some helpful information which may assist you. We will cover;
"A good leader inspires people to have confidence in the leader,
a great leader inspires people to have confidence in themselves."
Eleanor Roosevelt
The National Standards for Volunteer Involvement provide a sound framework for supporting the volunteer sector in Australia. The National Standards are easy to follow and are adaptable to different organisation types and different forms of volunteering which reflect the diversity of this growing sector.
Direct benefits to organisations: They provide good practice guidance and benchmarks to help organisations attract, manage, and retain volunteers and help manage risk and safety in their work with volunteers. Direct benefits to volunteers: They help improve the volunteer experience. The National Standards for Volunteer Involvement provides a framework to guide and support the volunteering sector in Australia. They are adaptable to different organisations and reflect the diversity of the sector. Each National Standard is underpinned by a guiding principle, a series of high-level standards and practice evidence. The National Standards were developed in consultation with the volunteering sector to ensure relevance and suitability. |